Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's been a while...

... But I've had a troubling time trying to work out whether I wanted this to be just about women, whether I care enough (I do, but I'll write that later). So instead, i'm just going to use it as my blog, with bits and bobs that I find and think about. First up, I recently found some old Brownies stuff that is very weird and disturbing. I only lasted three months at Brownies because, like most things English, it and the socialising it involved was alien to me, as I was expecting to leave at any minute for another country. As I remember it my Austrian mum got very upset with some of the 'Owls' or whatever they're called, and that was the end of that. Anyway, here's some scans from the book. I like how I've ticked the box for the stealing of flowers, though I'm certain it was confusion, and not rebelliousness.


PC said...

I was a boy scout for a few months- I left when I realized the troop leader or chief or whatever they're called (führer?) was a nazi. Literally.

"Just" your blog seems like a plan... I'll still read it.

mitch said...

I had the same book, that brings back some memories! I'm not entirely certain that the Queen cares whether I feed birds or give tea to old people.

I hated Brownies mainly because it was so outdated; I can recall a badge that taught you how to set a table with an exorbitant amount of cutlery, obviously an important life skill for the little Brownies.

Penny Red said...

The Promise Elephant. Wow. I'm going to see that in my dreams.

Myself, I was in the Woodcraft Folk, a mixed-gender hippy-dippy take on scouting and guiding, which, as I recall, involved lentils and anti-globalisation propaganda. It's been described as 'the militant wing of the co-op'.

Also? I am firmly of the belief that feminism, and feminist writing, only really work when they're integrated into the rest of life. Otherwise there's always that risk of ghettoisation. For me, there's no cut-off between feminism and the rest of my politics, or between politics and the rest of m life - so I'd say your premise is actually the best way to run a blog.