Monday, December 25, 2006

Girls Go Tech

I quite like this... not sure about girl scouts though...

ji xx


JohnDTraynor said...

Software engineering:

I work as a software engineer, a profession that is very male-dominated, at least in the UK. I have no reason why this is. I cannot think of any reason why the ability or desire to write programs or mess around with computers should appeal so much more to men than women. It isn't a job that necessarily requires any of the spurious male chracteristics. I don't know if the lack of women is the same in other countries.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I think this is great - the Girl Guides seem to be doing something right here - as science and maths etc seem to be 'struggling' subjects at the moment it would make sense to increase initiatives to raise interest to girls in particular, especially as they now make up the majority of students / undergraduates in the UK and therefore graduate level employees ... as far as Girl Guides go, they look much more exciting these days - I only got as far as a Brownie and proudly sported a Hostess badge with a cup of tea emblazoned on it - I'd bet this was still attainable today!

Surely if Girl Guides are levelling this type of active encouragement to girls and carers today then they can only be a good thing?